
Pronunciation: Fass-or-oh
Design Inspiration(s): Red fox
Date Introduced: Prehistoric[1]
Description: The Fasoro is a fox-like pet that is one of the most popular, with over 120 costumes to its name, and being featured in Fasoro Falls, the Time Machine, Jester mission, and Chocolate Shop, to name a few.
Revamps: The Fasoro had one redraw in 2007, but the staff and other players were never that happy with it,[2] so the artists went back and remastered the original pet's design on 19th July 2015. The stance is the same as the first revamp but combined with the very first version of Fasoro with its tail standing up. Also, as a form of gratitude for the dedicated players, the Fasoro was given lots more costumes.[3][4]

Official Description: Fasoros are quite shy pets that hide in burrows until they see someone they like. If they choose you as their new owner, you can always trust them to be loyal for the rest of your life!

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List of Costumes[]

Below are all possible colors for the Fasoro. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

DNA Minipets[]

Below are all possible DNA Minipets for the Fasoro. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Fasoros around Marada[]


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