


Pet Name: Ercuw

Pet Kind or Specie: Dragon
Date Introduced: 21st March 2006
Description: Introduced in the March 2006 account upgrades, the Ercuw is a Limited Edition dragon pet with seahorse fins, highly sought out by many members because of its rarity. Two and a half years later, the September 2008 account upgrade introduced it again as a Fire Fairy Ercuw; which appears made poor Ercuw look like some type of "wish-granting" fairy creature. Luckily, you could just costume it with something else to get a more fierce looking, more classic looking, Ercuw (see slideshow). Ercuws were known for their financial skill in the Stock Market at Puchalla Village. It was last released as a Rainbow Ercuw in the March 2017 Account Upgrades along with a Rainbow Speiro.

Ercuw (#30)

Marapets Description: These little dragons are found in caves practicing fire breathing techniques.


  • Pronounced Er-cue

For a list of ALL costumes available for this pet, go here.

Ercuws around Marada

Ercuws featured around the site: Grave Keeper and others...


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