
Pet Name: Decadal
Pet Kind or Species: Chameleon/Triceratops
Date Introduced: 16th July 2014
Description: The Decadal is a Restricted Pet and was a part of Marapets' special 10th Birthday Account Upgrades set (Daylight and Moonlight). It resembles a triceratops, but has the tail of a chameleon. It can also stick its tongue out, but only in certain forms. As the name suggests, the Decadal is only released every decade starting from July 2014. It officially retired on April 5th, 2015. No more Decadals will be created from any AU or event, until Marapets turns 20 - on August 2024! As expected, Enchanted Decadal Plushies are retired, but can be won at the Enchanted Plushie Machine, and Decadal Potions could only be won from the 10th Birthday Gift Hunt. Only 3 of each color were released.

Decadal (No. 72)

Official Description: N/A


  • Pronounced dek-uh-dl

For a list of ALL costumes available for this pet, go here.

Decadals around Marada

Decadals featured around the site: Fruit Shopkeeper, Drew, Galleries and others...

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