



Buzz, the Space Willa Cosmonaut: Introduced on 25th August 2012

Official Description: Buzz, the Space Willa Cosmonaut, is always on a space mission to Enpiah. He orbits the planet, performing various experiments and important research for Maradans. He needs your help to bring him the supplies he needs to complete his work. In order to complete a Cosmonaut quest, you will need to purchase the item he requests directly from the Shop that the item comes from. If the item is not in stock, keep visiting the shop each time it restocks with new items. If you manage to purchase the item directly from the shopkeeper in time, return here and give it to the Cosmonaut. He will take your item and reward you with a prize of MP, Dip or maybe an Enchanted Dip.

News Comment (21st May 2019): When you buy the item you need for a Cosmonaut or Desert Spy quest, you can now complete these quests from the shop.





Buzz the Cosmonaut is also an opponent in the Battle Arena. Once you collect his Trading Card, you can go directly to the Battle Arena to battle him.

Cosmonaut's Specifications:

  • Base Health & Magic: 1700
  • Attacks: Asteroid Shower & Comet
  • Base Damage: 3,293

Cosmonaut (Enemy)

You can buy Buzz's Trading Card from the Trading Cards Shop.
Back to the Battle Deck...

Other related things to Cosmonaut[]


Cosmonaut av

You can receive the Cosmonaut's avatar by completing 50 or more of his Quests.


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