

Inside the Laboratory

The Laboratory: Revamped on 4th June 2020

Official Description: Welcome to the DNA Minipets Laboratory, where illegal operations in Marada are taken place. As Enpiah is not in the same universe, there are no laws against this laboratory. Do you have what it takes to breed a DNA Minipet? If not, then leave the laboratory right away!

Dr. Yekyll is forever in his laboratory, experimenting with cloning pets. He has the skill to take two different species of pets together with a DNA item, experiment with them in his laboratory, and breed a DNA minipet. Cloning pets is illegal and experimental and there is a chance that one of the two pets that you use to clone will turn into a Mutant. If you add the Laboratory Giftbox to your collection and your pet changes to a Mutant here, it will immediately change back to its original costume and you will still gain the mutant Transformation.

You can create a DNA Minipet at any time if you have DNA. Here is the Prize List.

Revamp: To celebrate Dr. Yekyll's new look (and discovery of the Alchemy minipet), every operation from June 4th-6th 2020 was guaranteed to change a pet into a Mutant.



DNA Minipet Legend[]

Addow + Osafo = Addafo
Addow + Reese = Addese
Addow + Bolimo = Addimo
Addow + Fasoro = Addoro
Addow + Newth = Addoth
Addow + Jessup = Addup
Arinya + Tasi = Arasi
Arinya + Decadal = Arindal
Azul + Leido = Azeido
Azul + Grint = Azint
Azul + Zetlian = Azlian
Azul + Addow = Azow
Azul + Yakubi = Azubi
Azul + Equilor = Azulor
Bolimo + Grint = Bolint
Bolimo + Fasoro = Bolisoro
Chibs + Lati = Chati
Chibs + Bolimo = Chibimo
Chibs + Azul = Chibzul
Chibs + Addow = Chidow
Chibs + Feliz = Chiliz
Chibs + Willa = Chilla
Chibs + Xoi = Choi
Chibs + Doyle = Choyle
Chibs + Knutt = Chutt
Crikey + Equilor = Crikilor
Daisy + Ercuw = Daicuw
Daisy + Gizmo = Dazmo
Decadal + Gonk = Decadonk
Doyle + Addow = Doyow
Doyle + Azul = Doyzul
Dakota + Rusty = Dusty
Doyle + Vixen = Doxen
Echlin + Poera = Echera
Ercuw + Yuni = Erni
Eyru + Jessup = Eysup
Fasoro + Osafo = Fasafo
Fasoro + Murfin = Fasofin
Fasoro + Azul = Fasorul
Feliz + Crindol = Fendol
Flab + Kronk = Flonk
Gobble + Astro = Gobro
Gonk + Oglue = Goglue
Gonk + Mordo = Gordo
Grint + Leido = Grinido
Grint + Addow = Grinow
Huthiq + Bolimo = Huthimo
Huthiq + Xoi = Huthoi
Hump + Vixen = Huxen
Ike + Oglue = Iklue
Jessup + Leido = Jessido
Jessup + Azul = Jessul
Jessup + Knutt = Jessutt
Justin + Kaala = Justala
Kaala + Ideus = Kaaleus
Kidlet + Kaala = Kidala
Knutt + Fasoro = Knoro
Knutt + Azul = Knuzul
Kujo + Basil = Kusil
Kujo + Nino = Ninjo
Leido + Addow = Leidow
Leido + Ushunda = Leidunda
Lorius + Raulf = Lorulf
Murfin + Addow = Murfow
Murfin + Azul = Murfzul
Newth + Justin = Newstin
Nino + Zoosh = Noosh
Osafo + Sybri = Osabri
Osafo + Jessup = Osafup
Paffuto + Grint = Paffint
Pucu + Crikey = Pikey
Quell + Addow = Quelow
Quell + Chibs = Quibs
Reese + Fasoro = Reesoro
Reese + Azul = Reezul
Reese + Limax = Remax
Renat + Ercuw = Renuw
Rofling + Addow = Roflow
Rusty + Paffuto = Ruffuto
Sindi + Snookle = Snoodi
Speiro + Gobble = Spobble
Speiro + Straya = Speiya
Sybri + Viotto = Syotto
Tantua + Chibs = Tantibs
Tantua + Addow = Tantow
Troit + Figaro = Trigaro
Troit + Limax = Tromax
Ushunda + Addow = Ushundow
Ushunda + Fasoro = Ushunoro
Ushunda + Xoi = Ushundoi
Viotto + Zola = Viola
Viotto + Crindol = Viondol
Vlad + Ideus = Vladeus
Vlad + Zetlian = Vladlian
Walee + Jessup = Wassup
Walee + Poera = Waleera
Wallop + Yuni =


Willa + Osafo = Willafo
Willa + Snookle = Wookle
Yakubi + Addow = Yakuow
Yakubi + Newth = Yakuth
Zetlian + Walee = Zetlee
Zetlian + Fasoro = Zetoro
Zoink + Phanty = Zointy

Other related things to the Laboratory[]

Avatars and Giftbox


You can receive the Mutant avatar upon having one of your pets turn into a Mutant when creating a DNA Minipet.


You can receive the ERMAHGERD avatar upon having your Gobble turn into a Mutant.

Giftbox mutant

Laboratory Giftbox

Use this item and you can protect your pets from turning Mutant when you create DNA Minipets at the Laboratory.

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